Thursday, 14 February 2013

Store cupboard hospitality...

...or, feeding guests when you can't be bothered to go to the shop.

 So, we got home late last night after our little trip to the Big Smoke, and I wasn't in any hurry to get up this morning. But I knew that we had friends coming round for lunch, so I assumed I would have to get myself out to the shops.

 Then, while waiting for the kettle to boil, I started to poke around the kitchen and decided that I could probably make do with what was already there. In the freezer was some rich, garlic-y tomato sauce that I had made from some over ripe, yellow sticker tomatoes, and some cheese. So, there was the basis for a simple but tasty pasta bake. I had loads of duck eggs from a trip to the garden centre last week, a bag of tiny new potatoes and a head of broccoli which both needed eating, so there was a frittata just asking to be made. I almost took a fruit pie out of the freezer, before my husband reminded me that our guests were bringing pudding. So, with the addition of numerous cups of tea, and glasses of Vimto, there was a rather nice little lunch for seven, without so much as stepping out of the door :-)


  1. Sounds brilliant, I do love a bit of store cupboard shopping :-)

    Sue xx

  2. Its great when you can pull something tasty from the stores, I bet your guests thought you had been shopping specially for them :-)

    Karen x

  3. I love it when you can pull together something like that just from stores! brilliant, and well done you!
